Store.exe shows 100 % CPU Usage in Task Manager

Store.exe shows 100 % CPU Usage in Task Manager

Some basic steps that can be performed to diagnose the main cause of this problem can be as follows.

This may happen due to any logical corruption on the database or any large attachment could have stuck on queue or there could be any third party anti-virus or other application could have blocked some content.

Steps to be performed:

Ø  Check with antivirus exclusions. If yes remove it.
Ø  Try disabling all the third party anti-virus applications. 
Ø  You can disable anti-virus by using Reg key.
Ø  Start Registry Editor  
Locate the Enabled value under the following key in the registry:
On the Edit menu, click DWORD, type 0, and then click OK.

Ø  Make a check on "Do-not mount this store at-startup"
Ø  Reboot
After reboot all the stores will be dismounted. Now, try mounting the stores one by one monitor for some time

This would allow us to find out which store has the logical corruption.

Now run isinteg by running following command:

                        isinteg -s "ServerName" -fix -test alltests


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